A Letter To America, From A PArallel Universe

A Performance Propaganda Film
I send you this transmission as a concerned inter-dimensional citizen of the Land of The Flee and the Home of the Depraved. I send this to you from a parallel universe, desde el Estados Unidos de México. Yes, you may be surprised to know that you are not living in the only United States. But alas, you are in the least united state right now. 

An invasive species of time-release fascism has rooted itself deep within a framework we were fooled to believe was built to protect us. The foundation of this malfunctioning design has been compromised, laid bare in the bright floodlights for all to see. News flash - it was a gilded cage all along.  

The long-lost, elusive American Dream is being irrevocably exposed for the lie it always was. The right to vote has been deemed part of a ‘liberal wish list’, one that includes clean drinking water, affordable housing, protections of civil rights, a livable wage, comprehensive and unbiased education, universal healthcare, racial justice, freedom from sexual and gender-based discrimination, action on climate change, dismantling of white supremacy, and the end of state-sanctioned violence. 

A dream list, always just out of reach, as the alarm buzzes and we are collectively snapped awake in a different place than when we fell asleep. 

I search for the words to explain how this surreal hellscape is an amalgamation of years - no, centuries - worth of denial, greed, and fear. The fear of the few becomes the fear of many, when those in positions of power realize its tenuous nature. They weaponize that fear like a pry bar ripping out the nails of our conjoinment, destroying the finely crafted workmanship of our shared humanity. I can almost hear the cringeworthy audible of divisiveness like two pieces of metal shifting in disharmony.

It is as though the beautiful distortions of a Dali painting have been defaced by ghouls whose main agenda is the proliferation of our own self-destruction. Yes. They want you to desecrate yourself. These ghastly creatures are lazy and want you to do the work for them, as they rest on their laurels collecting the dividends of your hard earned emotional labor.

Disallow them.

The bloated inflation of egomaniacal ideas by a select few has left the rest of us emaciated, gasping for air, choking on smog, and coughing up their discarded conspiracies. It has us turning on each other, but even worse, turning away from ourselves. The worst thing that can come of their distractions is the denial of our own individual and innate spirit.

You see, this is all still a dream, or nightmare, but being ‘woke’ is not the endgame. Lucidity is.

It’s time to realize that we are all dreaming, and the way through is to become masters of controlling the narrative. It is to remind ourselves not to wake up without tapping into the vastness of knowledge in our subconscious and collective psyches. Each soul on this planet has their own narrative, not one being exactly alike. Yet we have been sold a story of replication, consumption and external desires. The noise of these anti-ideals blasting from the analog stereo seeks to tune out the frequency of our own mono speaker. That internal transmission is hard to hear with the virtual insanity that is angling to take up all your computing power.

The desolate vision of the current United States of America is hard to stomach, impossible to predict, shocking and yet numbing at the same time. But do not allow it to take up residence in your most valuable places. Embrace your interplanetary nature and disengage from the materiality of this ultimate ‘deep fake.’

In this time of great division, what you choose to engage in is just as important as what you choose not to engage in. Engross yourself with your own vibrational being. Know that when this existential catastrophe ends, what we will need most are clear visions of a future to build. And a whole is but the sum of its parts - a Gestalt.

From a parallel universe, I invite you to border jump with me.